“Thank you for your lively, engaging, and incredibly fun performance. I have never seen our Memory Café audience as happy and engaged! Absolutely everyone left smiling. And I was amazed at how many people were singing! Your songs are recognizable and you walk amongst the audience, which makes for a joyful experience. I also appreciate how easy you and Dan are to work with! Thank you again; we look forward to having you back very soon.”

— Ilana Seidmann, Program Coordinator, Newton Senior Center, MA

“Joel and Dan’s show was delightfully entertaining and a full body experience. Once they began performing I could sense a shift in the mood of the room which was made apparent by laughter, smiles, and dancing!”

— Suzanne Norton, Social Worker, Winchester Memory Café

“Joel and Dan are a wonderful combo! I heartily recommend them!”

— Margaret Donaher, Outreach Coordinator, Quincy Council on Aging

“Their love of working with older people shines through every song, and the stories they brought into the performance were charming. They carefully tailored their choices of songs to the audience, and brought such warmth to the room that everyone was clapping and singing along!”

— Gail Leichtman, Geriatric Care Manager, Your Elder Experts

“I absolutely loved how involved you get the audience and how safe it was for them to express themselves.”

— Ethan O’Rourke, Activities Director, Susan Bailis Assisted Living, Boston

“I highly recommend Joel Light’s production, “Fill My Heart with Song,” to any assisted living or nursing facility or elder day program. Our residents, who suffer different forms of memory loss, dementia or Alzheimer’s, were engaged in watching the performers, accompanied by piano, enjoying the well-chosen songs from their era and interacting with Joel, who has an endearing and playful way with his audience. Residents I work with who are usually not smiling or laughing were talking with him. A delightful experience!”

— Lygia Angel, Recreational Therapist, Rogerson House Assisted Living and Day Program

“Thank you Joel and Dan for performing today and ending our Fridays in May series on such a high note! You have always been an Ethos favorite and we love to sing along, even virtually.”

— Ann Glora, Healthy Aging Program Manager, Ethos

“A whimsical program of animated show tunes, crooner hits and familiar sing-along songs!”

— Denise Thorud, Director of Compass Programming, Forestdale Park, Malden, MA

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